Deals and cases

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  • Ventus-Nafta Award of Debt, Challenge of Contracts and Forgery

    TGS Baltic represented AB Ventus-Nafta, a subsidiary of ORLEN Lietuva engaged in retail sales of refined petroleum products with a network of petrol stations. The complex dispute comprised civil cases concerning the award of debt, the challenge of contracts, and a criminal case concerning the forgery of certain documents.

  • LitPol Link Territory Planning Issues and Regulations

    TGS Baltic advised LitPol Link sp. z o. o., the coordinator of preparatory works for the construction of an electricity interconnection between Lithuania and Poland, on legal matters concerning territorial planning and environmental protection, including comprehensive advice on interpretation of national law regarding territorial-planning matters.

  • TGS Baltic as the sole legal advisor to 4energia, the largest Baltic wind farm developer

    Since 2005 TGS Baltic, as the sole legal advisor to the largest Baltic wind farm developer 4energia, has advised the client on all legal aspects regarding development of multiple wind power parks in Western Lithuania. 
