TGS Baltic sponsored the participation of Vilnius University team at the International Moot Court Competition in the Czech Republic

05.05.2013 TGS Baltic sponsored the participation of Vilnius University team at the International Moot Court Competition in the Czech Republic

Law firm TGS Baltic sponsored the team of the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University, which participated in the Central and East European Moot Court Competition (CEEMC) held in Brno, Czech Republic.

Law students from fifteen Central and East European universities took part at the competition organised by the British Law Centre in different cities since 1995 and sponsored by one of the world’s leading law firms, Clifford Chance.

This year Vilnius University was represented by fourth year students Inesa Chmurec, Karolina Kondratjevaitė, Virgilijus Pajaujis and Tadas Varapnickas. Jevgenija Vienažindytė, doctoral candidate at the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University, and lawyer Justinas Šileika helped the team to prepare for the competition.

The winners of CEEMC 2013 came from St Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia, Bulgaria. The panel of judges at this year’s CEEMC included Eleanor Sharpston QC, Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Rt Hon LJ Laws, Lord Justice of the Court of Appeal of England and Wales, Nicholas Fletcher, partner at Clifford Chance, Professor William Cornish, University of Cambridge, etc.

During the CEEMC, the students analysed issues related to the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the proceedings related to judicial cooperation in criminal matters, procedures for issuance and execution of European arrest warrant and protection of human rights in the European Union.

Law firm TGS Baltic is pleased to contribute to the professional development of young lawyers and is consistently looking for talented young lawyers and law students to join our team. For more information on career opportunities at the law firm, please see here.